Thursday, June 20, 2019

Did residents feel the Andaman Islands approaching the tsunami?

There is still much uncertainty about the fate of the five natural peoples, of whom a modest number of members still inhabit some of the Andaman islands and Nicobar people 

A tribal member shot a bow and arrow at a helicopter, who wanted to offer help on the Sentinel Islands - part of the Andaman Islands - others would have thrown stones. The natural population that inhabits Sentinel Islands has traditionally had little interest in outsiders. A number of the other tribes are said to have fled into the jungle after the tsunami.
Many anthropologists have started their studies with lectures on the five natural peoples who live there in the primordial stage of development, as well as in the Stone Age. The islands, which are approximately 1200 kilometers off the east coast of India, have been hit hard. A number of survivors have already been identified of the Ongen and the Great Andamanese. Little is known about the Shompen. However, a number of remote islands of the archipelago have not yet been reached: India expects to be able to provide more clarity at the end of the week about the fate of about a thousand tribesmen.
By their way of life and by avoiding contact with the outside world, these peoples feed the myth formation. On Wednesday representatives of the Indian government and some anthropologists on the spot suggested that the people had brought themselves to safety because they had sensed the tsunami, thanks to their age-old knowledge of nature. "They can smell the wind. They have a sixth sense that we don't have, "said researcher Ashish Roy.
Anthropologist Gerard Persoon, connected to the University of Leiden, emphasizes how rare the lifestyle of these peoples has become, with so little contact with the outside world. But he absolutely does not believe in the existence of such a sixth sense. "Fishermen who lived on the coast for generations didn't see the disaster coming either."

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